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Fifth Dimension
Also known as Pleiades, is the dimension of Love, of creativity and of the heart, where all beings have lost their curves and are in the mission of sweetness.
The fifth dimension is our heart, love on earth. The Pleiadians, our star brothers, vibrate in this dimension. And it is through love that we connect with the 5D. Here we are aware of ourselves as divine beings, as teachers and multidimensional beings. In the fifth dimension, we are fully focused on spirituality, for creativity and for love.
Missionaries workers of sweetness vibrate in 5D.
During the Photon Belt, at the entrance of the Aquarian Age, the Earth will vibrate in 5D. Every thought we have created or will create our reality. Open heart, physical body anchored, overflowing love: so that, from the 5D pulsing in our hearts, we can access the dimensions beyond.
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