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Sixth Dimension
This is the space of the healers, by thought and knowledge, in it is stored all information and desire that can be materialized in the third dimension.
The sixth dimension is the source of mysterious synchronicities in 3D. It is a dimension that has as structural base the sacred geometry. Here we locate arrays of DNA standards for creating all kinds of species, including human. The 6D consists mainly of colors and shades and is also where the Light languages are stored.
It is the dimension where consciousness creates through thought and is also one of the places where we go when we sleep. Here are housed the morphogenetic fields and the bank records of all the ideas we have in 3D. Any things of the kingdom 6D can come to 3D, since we want enough through the sincere alignment between thought (6D) and heart (5D), then serving = (4D) + materialization (3D).
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