Inspiration: the birth of all this Metta shaped in Toys
Metta in Pali, the language of ancient India, means Pure Love, Compassionate Love. With its specific features, stories and keywords, 40 Metta Toys that have emerged to date show us, humorously, that we are beings in search of change and transformation can only start within each of us.
Many people ask me where they came from. I believe they have been channeled. After a surgery to remove a giant tumor out of my brain, they were born.
It was my first art work after my recovery. I had never created anything like that before. Each of them has a name, personality, history and energy.
I don´t control their coming. I design each one of them, which is then materialized and only then I find out who he is. The process is much beyond my control. Some are people who I already know, others I might know someday, or not. They first ones are tiny little toys with about 5 cm made of brass as in jewelry art, and have been gradually growing, with 10, 20, and 40 cm, when they reached 1 meter they had to be made of iron. The largest are in a garden in a house in Rio de Janeiro with 1.90 and 2.50 meters tall.
First of all they brought me great joy, through this new work I could start to smile again and have fun. The message they bring is very serious, but always comes with a touch of good humor, after all:
We all smile in the same language!
This energy that I channel wich boosts the materialization of the Metta Toys comes from the Alcyone spiral, the central star of the Pleiades star cluster, which vibrates in the fifth dimension, and the Pleiadians being the guardians of this dimension.
Our Sun is the eighth star of this spiral and is twin of the star Maia, the third spiral. Both belong to this stellar cluster.
There are twelve dimensions * of consciousness and each Metta Toy comes from one of them.
The aim of showing the Metta Toys to the world is to make them known and thus be able to take them where smiling is necessary, even in places where we most need to spread love, affection and goodwill towards people: nursing homes, public schools, hospitals , underserved communities.
We support that ensures that each Metta Toy participate in shows, fairs and exhibitions. We are responsible for organizing the visits of the Toys with their books, videos and actions .